Monday, February 23, 2009

A Pirates Life for Us??

Regan needs to strengthen his right eye. So our eye doctor told us we need to patch his good eye. Start with counting to a minute. Then work your way up to two hours a day. Broken up is fine because of the adhesive.

So today I tried it in my own creative, piratey way.

I tried to get Regan to "play pirates" so we could have eye patches and a sword fight with blocks. I put my patch on first - my patch was a extra large band aid. Then I looked for "swords". Then I looked for a Disney Sing a Long dvd with a Pirate's Life song/skit. Then I put his on him and held him. I hit the timer to see how long we would go. I kept pushing the pirate theme on him. "A Pirate's Life for me...." "Let's have a sword fight." "Arg!" Then after 50 seconds, he peeled off his patch and ran away from me. "Come back here or I'll make you walk the hearty!!" I used up all my pirate lingo. I tried to coax him back but he kept his distance. I then peeled off my "patch" which had become part of my skin and hurt a lot to remove it. I think I had mine on for about 7 minutes. Yay me!

So here's the score:
Regan 50 seconds
Mommy 7 minutes

Both of us have red marks around our eyes from adhesive. And neither one of us have love for a Pirate's Life.


Wednesday, February 4, 2009

His Strategy for Perfect Peace

You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts in You. – Isaiah 26:3 (NKJV)

Isaiah 26:3 (Amplified Bible)

3You will guard him and keep him in perfect and constant peace whose mind [both its inclination and its character] is stayed on You, because he commits himself to You, leans on You, and hopes confidently in You.

Tonight, I'm tired. Life has been busy. It's almost unbelievable how busy and crazy our lives have been lately--- I want to say "lately" but I can't really put a cap on the timing.

I wanted to share this verse (see above) but I really didn't know what to blog along with it. I'm too tired to be clever or funny. And I'm really too tired to be serious enough to blog something really deep.

So just go back and read the verse. I think it's one I'll have to keep in front of my face for a long time. In fact, I don't know when it wouldn't apply.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Wait Five Seconds...

Hey! This goes out to my blog "followers" -- thanks for being you! Three of my loved ones have asked me about my blog recently. So here I am. Blogging for my people!

I recently updated in a smallish summary in my journal. The one that I actually have to write in with a pen. It is amazing all the things that have happened over 2008. There have been some significantly tough times. But God has continued to bring me through and my family, as well.

There were a few challenges that caused me to wonder how we'd ever go on. It seemed impossible. There was fear in the unknown and in the presumptions about the future. Over and over again, I tend to be surprised at how God can turn things around for good. And over and over again, it almost seemed like there was no hope. And yet here we are! Still going! Life is still full of issues and flawed people (including me) but we keep going. And I know that it's because God loves us and He holds us and carries us to the other side. I am amazed.

It makes sense when you hear people say, "Wait five seconds and things will change." It's true. We shouldn't make a decision based on overwhelming feelings at the moment. Time really can hurt but it also can bring such clarity.

I am thankful. As we celebrate a new year and look at what's been and what we want to be, I know that I'm in the best place when I seek the Lord. I find Him. And all the other stuff doesn't have that power that it did at one time. As my mother in law says, "This, too, shall pass." I'm thankful for that! And I know better things are coming!